Sunflower Release

Check out our new release!

risk visual

Real-Time Risk Assessment

Zelros now ingests risk data and combines its analytics with customer data . This offers insurers a new way to quickly identify and select risks at the point of sales. Combining risk and customer data for insurers now enriches the product recommendations to help them better serve the consumers while in control of the risk selection process.


Updated Console with Recommendations

You can now manage agent’s recommendations directly in the Admin Console. This allows you to continuously track and improve the quality of recommendations.

Improved Feedback in Advisor App

A new and collaborative design for sharing feedback

Each time the agent gives feedback after communicating the selling points, they can now see the dynamic feedback from other agents. This will help gauge the broader population’s feedback and interests for a continuous improvement loop.


New Admin Navigation

A new navigation in the Admin Console for a better experience and configuration of the platform. Discover new identity, filters, descriptions, configuration options and much more!

User Group Management

Want to customize the Zelros experience to fit the context of each user?

Now you can create user groups. A group consists of a set of users who share the same attributes. For example, you can now adapt the recommendations to different locations or specific roles (call center vs. agent). You can as well use user groups to A/B test Zelros recommendations to different audiences!

New model to prioritize customers’ life events

Our new algorithm now learns from every user interaction to improve the precision of recommendations over time. It learns from user engagement to tailor messaging and offers to ensure users receive contextual and relevant product recommendations.

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New international settings

New international settings allow you to easily reflect your preferred language and timezone in the Admin Console. Translation has never been easier!